School Nurse

Sandy Chandler  [email protected]
302-537-2707 direct line


§ 4142. Free feminine hygiene products in schools.

(a) For the purposes of this section, “feminine hygiene products” means tampons and sanitary napkins, for use in connection with the menstrual cycle.

(b) By the 2022-2023 school year, all public and charter schools maintaining any combination of grades 4-12 shall provide free feminine hygiene products in a minimum of ½ of bathrooms, including those designated nongender conforming, used by students who can have a menstrual cycle.

(c) Schools must publish on the school’s website and post in the school’s common areas the locations of the bathrooms where feminine hygiene products are provided. Such information should be updated if bathroom locations are changed.

(d) Each school must consult with its school nurse regarding the feminine hygiene products to be provided.

All students must have a complete Health Record on file with the school nurse, which includes the following: 5-doses of Dtap, 4-doses of IPV, 2-doses MMR, 3-HepB, 2-Varicella, lead testing, a physical done within 2 years of school entry and a TB risk assessment or Mantoux TB skin.

All pink emergency forms and white health history updates must be completed, signed, and returned to school promptly. Please notify the school of any changes during the school year.

Notify the school if your child is absent. A note from home is still required when the student returns to school. This note should include student’s full name and ID number.

Notify the school nurse of any medical concerns and/or recent immunizations.

Please call the nurse before sending any medication.  302-537-2707 direct line

All medications (prescription and over-the-counter) must be in their original container stating the directions

If a medication is missed at home and must be given at school, it will not be given unless the nurse is notified through a phone call or written note from the parent/guardian. Hopefully, a supply is in the medication cabinet.

Children returning to school after an injury requiring crutches or the elevator are required to have a doctor’s note describing duration for this and limitations.     

Vision and Hearing screening will be done on all 2nd and 4th graders as well as kindergartners that were not screened. Orthopedic screening is performed on all 5th graders.

Any and all absences are to be verified by parent/guardian with a Parent Note or Documented Note upon return to school.  All absences are documented as UA until note is received. Parent notes are limited to 10 each school year.  Each day counts as a separate parent note.  It is in your child’s best interest to obtain a Dr. Note each and every time you have an appointment.

Also, pre-planned days off or vacations require pre-approval by administration. Forms are available in the front office.

Starting in the 2022-2023 school year administration will be monitoring morning tardies & early dismissals. Students are limited to 4 in any given month. The school day for students is 8:45pm - 3:35pm.

Your child will be sent home from school if he/she has:

An oral fever of 100 degrees or higher

An earache, vomiting, diarrhea, upper respiratory symptoms (discolored nasal discharge, hacking or productive cough, watery eyes), or appears to be a hazard to the health of others. 

Parents/Guardians are responsible for getting their child home if the child is ill or becomes ill at school. A student will never be sent home until the parent/guardian or someone designated by the parent/guardian has been contacted.

Please keep your child home from school if he/she has:

Earache, vomiting, diarrhea, upper respiratory symptoms (discolored nasal discharge, hacking or productive cough, watery eyes), or appears to be a hazard to the health of others.           

 A fever of 100 degrees or higher

Children who return to school after an illness should:

Be fever free for at least 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medications

Have a note from their medical provider stating he/she may return to school if he/she has been treated for an acute respiratory infection such as bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza, sore throat or asthma attack      

Be on medication for 24 hours before returning to school if they were treated for “strep throat”. This should be reported as “strep throat” and not a “throat infection”.

INJURY: If your child has suffered an injury (fracture/concussion) and is being followed by a physician: please share this information and doctor's orders with the nurse so she can assist with proper limitations or follow-up.